A3 OOP Project

This is the top of the WordPress text.

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/clients/client9/web48/web/wp-content/plugins/a3-oop-plugin/app/libraries/Core.php on line 14

If you can read this it means that the View "index.php" is working

The value of $data['title'] is home page

The value of APPROOT is /var/www/clients/client9/web48/web/wp-content/plugins/a3-oop-plugin/app

Name: Richard Hills; email: hills@tokyodiner.com.
Name: Marjan Szumlicki; email: ms@pafa.co.uk.
Name: Alan Alda; email: aalda@aol.com.
Name: Zoe Ball; email: zoe.ball@bbc.co.uk.